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2nd Symposium On Deep-Sea Oil Spills

2nd Symposium on Deep-Sea Oil Spills

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When: 19-20 September, 2016

Where: Hamburg University of Technology, Germany


Six years after the Deepwater Horizon accident in the Gulf of Mexico, several questions about the more than 700 million liters of oil spilled into the ocean remain unanswered. Research groups from all around the world are working on investigations associated with oil spill behavior, the biological degradation and the impact on the environment.


After the first highly successful symposium in 2013, the C-IMAGE research group from the Hamburg University of Technology would like to invite you to the second Hamburg Symposiumon Deep-Sea Oil Spills in Hamburg. The one-day conference shall be a discussion platform to link the different research areas and to define points of contact between modeling and experimental research. The day is split into 3 sessions with specific topics. After each session a break offers the possibility for detailed discussions (hot lunch included). A welcome reception on Monday and get-together on Tuesday will offer further possibilities for interdisciplinary scientific exchange in a relaxed atmosphere.


March 1, 2016          Call for abstracts

July 15, 2016            Deadline for abstract submission

August 1, 2016         Notification of abstract acceptance

August 31, 2016       Registration deadline

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