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3rd High Pressure Symposium

3rd High Pressure Symposium

Hamburg University of Technology’s Institute of Multiphase Flows hosted the 3rd High Pressure Symposium on December 5, 2019. One of the things that makes studying the Deepwater Horizon oil spill so challenging is that it occurred at 1500 meters deep in the ocean. This region is under extreme pressure and impacts how the oil and gas mixture interacts with the seawater and how it is transported. This symposium is designed to provide an overview of advances in scientific research and engineering with a look ahead on what’s next on the research horizon.

An agenda can be found here.

Special thanks to Dr. Michael Schlüter and Simeon Pesch for hosting our team!

The High Pressure Symposium aligned with the 10 Year Anniversary of the Institute. We were grateful to be able to celebrate and be a part of 10 years of international research with this amazing group of researchers and students.

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