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C-IMAGE provides, teachers, students and the community with a variety of events and opportunities to learn about the impacts of oil spills on the Gulf of Mexico.

For Teachers

C-IMAGE provides teachers from Gulf states with resources and professional development opportunities to increase the educational legacy of GoMRI.

  • Offshore Education
    • Teachers @ Sea Program – Teachers are invited aboard our summer expeditions to interact with researchers, video chat with their students, and help collect fish and sediments from the Gulf.
  • Onshore Education
      • BWET & GLOBE Professional Development – The GLOBE Program encourages classrooms across the world to share environmental data on a worldwide network; C-IMAGE provides the GLOBE training for teachers.
      • SENSE IT Workshops – Partnering with the CARTHE and DEEP-C consortia, teachers learned how to construct and calibrate sensors used in marine sciences. They also received supplies and instructions for building sensors with their students back in their classrooms where they will be challenged to design, build, deploy and interpret data from their own environmental sensors.


  • C-IMAGE Spotlight Videos – A series of Youtube videos shows the diversity of C-IMAGE research. Learn about careers in Marine Science disciplines including fisheries, genomics, and general advice for young scientists.
  • SeaGrant Fact Sheets – In collaboration with the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, NOAA SeaGrant produces bulletins and fact sheets about the impacts of oil spills.
  • C-IMAGE Story Collider: C-IMAGE and Story Collider teamed up for events where scientists shared personal stories of how they are connected to their research.

For Students

  • Graduate Professional Development Workshops – C-IMAGE organized workshops to help early-career scientists improve the way they communicate their research through science storytelling and proposal writing workshops.
  • Blogs from Students – Read about various C-IMAGE students’ research through Student of the Month blogs and Cruise logs from our expeditions across the Gulf of Mexico.

For Community

  • C-IMAGE Newsletters – Keep updated with C-IMAGE research, recent publications and accolades with out bi-monthly newsletters.
  • News & Events – Stay up to date with news & events from C-IMAGE.
  • The Loop Podcast Series – Tune in to listen to our researchers having a conversation with Mind Open Media producer David Levin on the many pieces of our research program.
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