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C-IMAGE At Clean Gulf

C-IMAGE at Clean Gulf

C-IMAGE is co-hosted a session with Exxon/Mobil at the Clean Gulf Conference this November in Tampa. This API-sponsored session gave workshop attendees a full review of what happens in the response community during an oil spill.  The academic research community can play a role in the response effort, however it’s important to understand how the response operates, how priorities can shift during the response timeline and how researchers might be able to support the response effort. 

The organizing committee would like to everyone that made time to attend.  We had about 120 researchers, responders, contractors, state and government agents, and industry representatives at the session.  This diverse group provided input for a spirited discussion for the last hour.

 Our objectives were to:

•    Promote understanding of oil spill response activities

•    Discuss the current role of science data in response

•    Foster relationships between the research and response community

•    Discuss the appropriate role of academic research in a response

•    Understand role of ‘operational research’ in response


The Details:

    Where: The Clean Gulf Conference

    Tampa, Florida

    Tampa Convention Center

    Title: Workshop: Oil Spill Response 101 and Exploring the Role of Environmental Research during Response

Tuesday, November 1


For a more detailed description, please visit:


Workshop materials are now available via active links


Introduction (15 min)

  • Safety minute
  • Presenter/participant introductions
  • Objectives of workshop
  • Introduce questions to be considered during closing discussion (sticky dots)

Introduce background and goals of GoMRI (1 hour)

Introduction to Oil Spill Response (1.5 hour) 

Exploring the role of research in a response (1 hour)

  • Report out on what has already been done in this area, Charlie Henry, NOAA
  • Science Action Network
  • Harvard National Preparedness Leadership Initiative
  • A moderated discussion on: 
  • Understanding ‘operational research’
  • Where the current research fits in the response world (i.e., can the research be applied to a response?)
  • Is there additional research to be considered to support response objectives?
  • What is the role for the academic researcher in response?
  • Can researchers have roles as advisors?

The Steering Committee has complied a list of useful links that can be used to supplement the material presented in this workshop.  The list highlights partnerships from federal, state, and private entities.  While not exhaustive, the list is a meaningful starting point.

NOAA Office of Response and Restoration

EPA Oil Spills Prevention and Preparedness Regulations

US National Response Team

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

TGLO Oil Spill

API Oil Spill Prevention + Response

IPIECA and IOGP Oil Spill Resources

IOGP Arctic Response Technology Oil Spill Preparedness


EMSA Oil Spill Response

IPIECA Oil Spill Preparedness

USCG Area Contingency Plans

BSEE Oil Spill Response Research

BOEM Oil Spill Research Efforts

 The Steering Committee would also like to acknowledge previous workshops and reports that are aligned with the mission of this one:

1. JITF Oil Spill Preparedness and Response report (Nov 2011)

2. Coordinating R&D on Oil Spill Response in the Wake of Deepwater Horizon March 22-24, 2011, Baton Rouge, LA

3. Discussion on Research Priorities in Relation to Federal Oil Spill Response and Restoration, June 27-28, 2013, St. Petersburg, FL

4. Bridging the Gap Between Oil Spill Researchers and Responders Workshop April 14, 2015, Port Aransas, TX

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