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C-IMAGE At Reunion Anual De La Union Geofisica Mexicana Meeting (RAUGM)

C-IMAGE at Reunion Anual de la Union Geofisica Mexicana Meeting (RAUGM)

C-IMAGE was thrilled to be welcomed at the 2019 annual RAUGM meeting in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico where we hosted a special session on Deep Oil Spills accompanied by a viewing of the latest Dispatches from the Gulf III movie.

Dr. Steven Murawski introducing the Deep Oil Spills session to attendees.

Session Description: The two largest accidental marine oil well blowouts in world history occurred in the Gulf of Mexico, Ixtoc 1 (1979-1980) and Deepwater Horizon (DWH) in 2010.  As the oil and gas industries in Mexico and the USA transition into deeper waters, the potential for additional mega-oil spills in the Gulf exists. These events highlighted the necessity for sound scientific baseline data to assess the impact on the marine ecosystem, to measure ecosystem resiliency, predict the utility of oil spill response measures and to help guide restoration strategies. The DWH event generated a considerable body of scientific data which will serve as basis for better preparation for the next mega-blowout, potentially in even deeper waters. In Mexico, recent data collection activities have generated considerable new knowledge concerning the deepwater environment surrounding oil exploration activities.  The goal of this session is to present the state-of-the-art research in deepwater oil behavior and spill response. Contributions concerning the impact of mega oil spills on marine ecosystem, baseline data collection, ecosystem resiliency and integrated-comprehensive studies that could contribute to better preparation for a future spill are invited.

At the C-IMAGE booth, researchers were able to stop in and learn about our program. Congratulations to Luis Jose Melendez Avvizo, Fernando Jose Bello and Brianda Soto who were the winners of our giveaway: the C-IMAGE books!

Adolfo Gracia
Steven A. Murawski
Liesl Hotaling
Sherryl Gilbert


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