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C-IMAGE @ GoMOSES 2020! The Final Countdown…..

C-IMAGE @ GoMOSES 2020! The Final Countdown…..

For the last seven years, researchers have gathered all around the Gulf coast each year to present, discuss, and collaborate on research priorities of the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative. February of 2020 marks the final Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, held in Tampa, Florida. Overall, C-IMAGE chaired or co-chaired nine sessions, gave 44 talks and 18 posters.

Session 3: Predicting MOSSFA Events During Future Oil Spills in Support of Emergency Response and NRDA: New tools and new strategies in the assessment and forecasting of MOSSFA
David Hollander, Adrian Burd, Antonietta Quigg

Session 5: Modeling for Synthesis – Integrated assessment of ocean environment, ecosystems, human health, and socio-economics
Helena Solo-Gabriele, Cameron Ainsworth, Cecilie Mauritzen

Session 7: Taking Stock: Capacity building and the successes of advanced academic scholarship, professional training, and interdisciplinary mentoring through the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Sherryl Gilbert, David Hollander, Katie Fillingham

Session 8: To Disperse or Not to Disperse? That is the question
Steven Murawski, Joseph Katz, Thomas Coolbaugh

Session 9: Biogeochemical Tracers in Oil Spill Science: Advances, lessons learned, and future directions
Will Patterson, Jeff Chanton

Session 10: Large Marine Vertebrates in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Ten Years After the Spill: New findings, synergies, collaborations, and opportunities
Pamela Michael, Kaitlin Frasier, Nathan Putman

Session 21: On the Resiliency of Living Marine Resources to Gulf Oil Spills
Steven Murawski, Samantha Joye, Tracey Sutton
Session 22: Microbial Genomics to Improve Predictive Understanding of Disturbance in the Global Ocean System
Joel Kostka, Kostas Konstantinidis, Samantha Joye, Rita Colwell


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