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C-IMAGE at Clean Gulf

C-IMAGE is co-hosted a session with Exxon/Mobil at the Clean Gulf Conference this November in Tampa. This API-sponsored session gave workshop attendees a full review of what happens in the response community during an oil spill.  The academic research community can…

2nd Symposium on Deep-Sea Oil Spills

Full Webpage When: 19-20 September, 2016 Where: Hamburg University of Technology, Germany Background Six years after the Deepwater Horizon accident in the Gulf of Mexico, several questions about the more than 700 million liters of oil spilled into the ocean remain unanswered.…

C-IMAGE All Hands Meeting 2016

Greetings All, We will hold our C-IMAGE All Hands Meeting in Tampa on Friday February 5th, 2016 at the Marriot Tampa Waterside (the same place as the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference). Specifics will be posted…

C-IMAGE All Hands Meeting in Houston

We hosted C-IMAGE's 4th All Hands Meeting right after the GoMRI Conference this year in Houston.  We had almost 80 participants representing our goals for both C-IMAGE I and II.  The first half of the meeting was devoted to making…

Guy Harvey Fisheries Symposium

The 2nd Fisheries Symposium will be held November 13-15, 2014 in St. Petersburg at the University of South Florida St. Pete campus.  Please find details below or click here if you'd like to attend.  C-IMAGE scientists will be speaking at…

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