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Southern GoM Longline Expedition

C-IMAGE researchers on the Weatherbird II get ready for setting the longline for fish collection   With thirteen scientists aboard, the R/V Weatherbird fired up its engines earlier this month at the USF College of Marine Science in St. Petersburg,…

AGU Honors Chanton, Farrington

Dr. Jeff Chanton and Dr. Allan Clarke have been chosen by the American Geophysical Union (AGU) as the 2015 AGU Fellows. Both professors, from Florida State University in Tallahassee, FL, have made exceptional contributions to Earth and space sciences in the…

The Quest for IXTOC Oil – 35 years Later

Tuxpan, MX It’s well after midnight aboard the Mexican research vessel Justo Sierra, but an international team of scientists are busy securing marine water and mud samples brought aboard the ship off the coast of Campeche. Digging 35 years into the…

Injection Studies Begin

Our Ecotoxicology Study is a collaboration between MOTE Marine Laboratory, Wageningen University, University of West Florida, and USF-College of Marine Science looking at the toxicity of oil in Gulf fishes using samples collected in situ and in the exposure experiments.…

On the GoMRI Home Page

Scientists measured the natural abundance of radiocarbon (14C) in sediments near the Deepwater Horizon spill site and estimated the location and amount of carbon derived from crude oil or gas. Their best estimate was that oil-derived carbon equivalent to 3 – 4.9…

Mud & Blood Cruises study Ixtoc-I 35-years later

Researchers from the Center for Integrated Modeling and Analysis of the Gulf Ecosystem (C-IMAGE) are setting off on a cruise to collect sediment and water samples in areas affected by the IXTOC-I spill. The cruise marks the first time since these studies…

Agilent and C-IMAGE Announce Partnership

ST. PETERSBURG, FL The University of South Florida’s College of Marine Science today announced a formal partnership with Agilent Technologies and the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) to refresh analytical chemistry equipment for studying oil spills. Funded by GoMRI…

Agilent and C-IMAGE Announce Partnership

ST. PETERSBURG, FL The University of South Florida’s College of Marine Science today announced a formal partnership with Agilent Technologies and the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) to refresh analytical chemistry equipment for studying oil spills.  Funded by GoMRI…

Press Conference for 5th Anniversary of the DwH Spill

Media Contact:   Lara Wade-Martinez                             (813) 974-9060 or (813) 833-1498 (cell)                         USF Researchers, Colleagues to Mark 5th Anniversary of Gulf Oil Spill Media invited to…

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