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David Hastings travels to China

Dr. Jing Chen, student Yovela Wang, and Dr David Hastings at Xiamen University.  David Hastings, C-IMAGE co-PI from Eckerd College, recently traveled to Hong Kong and to Xiamen University in China where he gave two seminars focusing on the research…

Corday Selden, success!

Corday Selden gave a superb presentation on "Correctional changes in benthic foraminifera abundance and sedimentary redox conditions after the Deepwater Horizon Blowout Event and successfully defended her senior thesis.  She presented at the Sigma XI Research Symposium at Eckerd College,…

MOSSFA in Tallahassee

C-IMAGE along with two other GoMRI funded consortia, ECOGIG and Deep-C created a working group to answer some key questions about the formation and fate of flocculant material observed in the northern Gulf of Mexico during and after the Deepwater…

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