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The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) program is a worldwide hands-on, primary and secondary school-based science and education program. GLOBE’s vision promotes and supports students, teachers and scientists to collaborate on inquiry-based investigations of the environment and the Earth system working in close partnership with NASA, NOAA and NSF Earth System Science Projects (ESSP’s) in study and research about the dynamics of Earth’s environment.

“GLOBE is the quintessentially ideal program for involving kids in science”
– Nobel laureate Dr. Leon Lederman

Who is involved in GLOBE?

GLOBE began on Earth Day, 1995. Since that time, 112 countries have participated in The GLOBE Program. Thanks to the efforts of the worldwide GLOBE community, there are more than 66,000 GLOBE-trained teachers representing over 24,000 schools around the world. In addition, over 10 million students have participated in GLOBE — contributing more than 100 million measurements to the GLOBE database for use in their inquiry-based science projects. In addition to the student-contributed data, automated stations collect and send measurements to the GLOBE database. Check the Program’s home page for the current total measurements.

GLOBE brings together students, teachers and scientists through the GLOBE Schools Network in support of student learning and research. Parents, Scientists and GLOBE Alumni also support students’ engagement in GLOBE.

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