GoMRI Synthesis Workshop-MOSSFA 2018
200 Seawolf Parkway, Galveston, 77553
26-28 November 2018
Monday 26 November 2018 |
18:30 | Opening Reception
Tuesday, 27 November 2018 | 8:30 | Introduction, Workshop Goals GoMRI Leadership & Antonietta Quigg |
MOSSFA Formation
Chair: Peter Santschi |
9:00 | Marine oil snow formation: Insights into mechanisms from targeted experiments. Presentation link Uta Passow, Memorial University – Ocean Sciences Centre, Canada |
9:20 | From exudates to snow: unraveling their production, aggregation, and composition and the relevance to oil transport. Presentation link Chen Xu, Texas A&M University at Galveston |
9:40 | Microbial interactions on marine oil snow. Presentation link Kai Ziervogel, University of New Hampshire |
10:00 | OSA (oil-suspended particulate matter) formation and modeling
Ali Khelifa, Bedford Institute of Oceanography – Centre for Offshore Oil and Gas Environmental Research, Canada |
10:20 | Formation Breakout 1 | |
11:00 | Formation Breakout 2 (random)
12:00 | Lunch
MOSSFA Sedimentation
Chair: Jeff Chanton |
13:00 | Sedimentation of Hydrocarbon Mixtures after the DWH: Spatial Extent and Fate. Isabel Romero, University of South Florida – College of Marine Science | |
13:15 | MOSSFA: Seafloor extent, impact, preservation and baselines. Presentation link Patrick Schwing, University of South Florida – College of Marine Science |
13:30 | Potential interactions of sediment-rich river plumes with oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico. Presentation link Mead Allison, Tulane University |
13:45 | The second half of MOSSFA: Sedimentation and Flocculent Accumulation. Presentation link Bekka Larson, Eckerd College |
14:00 | Secondhand MOS in the deep ocean – a smoking gun. Presentation link Arne Diercks, University of Southern Mississippi |
14:30 | Sedimentation Breakout 1 | |
15:15 | Sedimentation Breakout 2 (random) | |
16:00 | Poster Session
Wednesday, 28 November 2018 | MOSSFA Modeling
Chair: Adrian Burd |
9:00 | Operational Fate and Transport Oil Spill Modeling: State of Practice. Chris Barker, NOAA OR&R |
9:20 | Developments in numerical modeling of oil spills before and after Deepwater Horizon Spill. Presentation link Anusha Dissanayake, RPS-Ocean Science |
9:40 | Environmental Significance of Oil Particle Interactions in Oil Spill Response. Presentation link Ken Lee, Fisheries and Oceans Canada & , New Jersey Institute of Technology |
10:00 | Modeling Breakout 1 | |
11:00 | Modeling Breakout 2 (random)
12:00 | Lunch
MOSSFA Consequences for Response/Restoration/Policy
Chair: David Hollander |
13:00 | MOSSFA’s Impact on Post DWH Spill Response. Presentation link Nancy Kinner, University of New Hampshire |
13:20 | How MOSSFA factored into the Deepwater Horizon NRDA with considerations for future responses and assessments Presentation link Lisa DiPinto, NOAA OR&R |
13:40 | Marine snow, oil deposition on the seabed and the possibility of Marine Oil Snow Sedimentation and Flocculent Accumulation (MOSSFA) Presentation link Thomas Coolbaugh, ExxonMobil |
14:00 | Final Breakout (random) | |
14:45 | Break | |
15:30 | Workshop Report-outs |