Larson Earns 2018 Adm. James D Watkins Award
Bekka Larson, a PhD student at the University of South Florida-College of Marine Science, was award the Admiral James D. Watkins The James D. Watkins Award. This award is recognizes exceptional student presentations at the annual Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Sciences Conference (GoMOSES) presented by the Center of Ocean Leadership.
Bekka’s presentation “High-Resolution Sedimentary Record of the DwH Event: Impacts and Recovery” compiles sediment cores collected over several years of C-IMAGE research expedition analyzing the radioisotope signatures 234Th and 210Pb to observe seafloor recovery following major oil spills.
Bekka represents the forth year which a C-IMAGE student has won the award.
- 2014: Karen Malone
- 2015: Lindsey Dornberger, Kristina Deak
- 2017: Travis Washburn, Aprami Jaggi, Susan Snyder
- 2018: Bekka Larson