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MTS TechSurge Workshop

MTS TechSurge Workshop

When: Monday February 5, 2018

Where:   Morial Convention Center Room 352

900 Convention Center Blvd, New Orleans, LA 70130


Since 2011, the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) has enabled the investigation of the effects of oil spills on the environment and public health. The investigations yielded research results and technological advancements that will improve future studies and impact modeling efforts. This meeting will bring together the GoMRI and MTS communities, share research results and begin discussions of how the two communities might work together to better prepare for the next spill.

Agenda – Sunday February 4

6:00-7:00pm Welcome Reception (cancelled due to Super Bowl)

Agenda – Monday February 5

8:30am Registration and Breakfast
9:15am Welcome and Introductions, Dr. Richard Spinrad and Dr. Steven Murawski
9:30am Panel Session 1-Modeling and Prediction
Moderated by Dr. Ian Stewart
Experimental simulation of oil-water partitioning of organics during a deep submarine oil spill
Dr. Aprami Jaggi, University of Calgary
Deep Sea in a Can: Microbial Degradation Under High Pressure
Dr. Andreas Liese, Hamburg University of Technology
Consortium of Advanced Research of Hydrocarbon Transport in the Environment
Dr. Tamay Ozgokmen, The University of Miami
Advances in deep-sea blowout modeling and key technical challenges for improving predictions and mitigation
Dr. Claire Paris, The University of Miami
Oil Spill Modeling: State of the Art and Research Needs
Dr. Deborah French McCay, RPS Group
10:45am (Salty) Coffee Break</
11:15am Panel Session 2-Technology for Detection
Is it ‘Actionable Oil’?
Moderated by Dr. Robyn Conmy, Environmental Protection Agency
Detection/characterization of the structure and function of microbial communities under as close to in situ conditions as possible
Dr. Joel Kostka, Georgia Institute of Technology
Omics approaches to Understanding Impacts of Oil Spills on Macroorganisms
Dr. David Portnoy, Harte Research Institute
Tactical Airborne Oil Spill Remote Sensing – a New Operational Approach
Mr. Alessandro Vagata, Fototerra
Integrating Proven Technologies for Autonomous Detection & Mitigation
Mr. Andrew Ziegwied, ASV Unmanned Marine Systems
12:30pm Lunch and Poster Session
1:45pm Panel Session 3-Mitigation
Moderated by Dr. Nancy Kinner
Mitigation – Pollution
Mr. Michael Sams, Eighth Coast Guard District
Remote detection and quantification of oil spills
Dr. Chuanmin Hu, University of South Florida-College of Marine Science
Oil exposure pathways in Coastal River-Dominated Ecosystems
Dr. Stephan Howden, University of Southern Mississippi
Mitigation Research
Dr. Kurt A. Hansen, UNCLA
Dispersants and Related Oil Spill Technologies – at the Nanoscale!
Dr. Vijay John, Tulane University
3:00pm Break
3:15pm Panel Session 4-Ecosystem Health
Moderated by Dr. Barbara Kirkpatrick
Documenting and tracking offshore ecosystem dynamics: baselines, impacts, and recovery
Dr. Samantha Joye, University of Georgia
Design of Multiple Recirculating Aquaculture Systems to Evaluate Oil Toxicity in Marine Fishes
Dr. Dana Wetzel, Mote Marine Laboratory
Passive Acoustics for Ecosystem Monitoring
Dr. Kait Frasier, UC San Diego
Counting Fish & Mapping Their Benthic Habitats
Mr. Chad Lembke, University of South Florida-College of Marine Science
4:00pm Discussion
4:30pm Closing Remarks, Dr. Richard Shaw and Dr. Steven Murawski

MTS Journal Call for Papers

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