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Patrick Schwing’s Blog On Forams Is On The Smithsonian Ocean Portal

Patrick Schwing’s blog on forams is on the Smithsonian Ocean Portal

From the GoMRI Site:

The Smithsonian Ocean Portal posted a guest blog by Patrick Schwing about GoMRI-funded research. Schwing is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of South Florida, College of Marine Science, and member of the C-IMAGE and Deep-C consortia.

His blog explains the importance of forams – tiny single-cell organisms that live in environments with little oxygen – in understanding impacts from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Schwing is using his research to learn about human impacts on coastal and marine sedimentary depositional environments.

The Smithsonian blog begins: “You are not alone if you don’t know what forams (short for foraminifera) are, so let’s start with the basics.” Read the entire Ocean Portal blog.

For background, read about C-IMAGE’s work that includes Schwing in Podcasts and Videos Share GoMRI Oil Spill Research with a Broader Audience. Schwing is shown collecting sediment cores in the overview story about GoMRI Advances Science Four Years after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Schwing served as a research mentor for student interns and was featured in the Deep-C Voices from the Sea blog and in the C-IMAGE Adventures at Sea blog.

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