
Lab members’ names in bold         


Faletti, M.E., D.H. Chacin, J.A. Peake, T.C. MacDonald, and C.D. Stallings. Population dynamics of Pinfish in the eastern Gulf of Mexico (1998-2016). PLoS One 14: e0221131. PDF


Freytes-Ortiz, I.M. and C.D. Stallings. Elevated temperatures suppress inducible defenses and alter shell shape of intertidal mussel. Marine Biology 165: 113. PDF


Kurth, B.N., E.B. Peebles, and C.D. Stallings. Atlantic Tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) exhibit upper estuarine habitat dependence followed by foraging system fidelity after ontogenetic habitat shifts. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 225: 106248. PDF


Pusack, T.J., D.L. Kimbro, J.W. White, and C.D. Stallings. Predation on oysters is inhibited by intense or chronically mild low salinity events. Limnology and Oceanography 64: 81-92. PDF


Hanley, T.C., J.W. White, C.D. Stallings, and D.L. Kimbro. Environmental gradients shape the combined effects of multiple parasites on oyster hosts in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Ecology Progress Series 612: 111-125. PDF



Peake, J., A.K. Bogdanoff, C.A. Layman, B. Castillo, K. Reale-Munroe, J. Chapman, K. Dahl, W.F. Patterson III, C. Eddy, R.D. Ellis, M. Faletti, N. Higgs, M.A. Johnston, R.C. Muñoz, V. Sandel, J.C. Villasenor-Derbez, and J.A. Morris Jr. In Press. Feeding ecology of invasive lionfish (Pterois volitans and Pterois miles) in the temperate and tropical western Atlantic. Biological Invasions. PDF


Pusack, T.J., H.G. Garland, D.L. Kimbro, J.W. White and C.D. Stallings. 2018. Size-dependent feeding and intraspecific inhibition of an estuarine snail on oysters. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 501: 74-82. PDF


Wall, K.R. and C.D. Stallings. Subtropical benthos vary with depth, reef type, and grazing intensity. Journal of Experimental Maine Biology and Ecology 509: 54-65. PDF


Johnson, D. W., M. R. Christie, T. J. Pusack, C. D. Stallings, and M. A. Hixon. 2018. Integrating larval connectivity with local demography reveals regional dynamics of a marine metapopulation. Ecology 99: 1419-1429. PDF


Dornelas, M., C.D. Stallings, et al. (254 coauthors). 2018. BioTIME: a database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27: 760-786. PDF



Fogg, A.Q. and M.E. Faletti. 2017. Invasive lionfish (Pterois spp.) agonistic behavior observations. Bulletin of Marine Science 94(1). PDF


Tzadik, O.E., D.L. Jones, E.B. Peebles, C.C. Koenig, and C.D. Stallings. 2017. The effects of spatial scale on assigning nursery habitats in Atlantic Goliath Groupers (Epinephelus itajara) using non-lethal analyses of fin rays. Estuaries and Coasts 40: 1785-1794. PDF


Kimbro, D.L., J.W. White, H. Garland, N. Cox, M. Christopher, O. Stokes-Cawley, S. Yuan, T.J. Pusack, and C.D. Stallings. 2017. Local and regional stressors interact to drive a salinization-induced outbreak of predators on Florida oyster reefs. Ecosphere 8: e01992. PDF


Benkwitt, C.E., M.A. Albins, K.L. Buch, K.E. Ingeman, T.L. Kindinger, T.J. Pusack, C.D. Stallings, and M.A. Hixon. 2017. Is the lionfish invasion waning? Evidence from the Bahamas. Coral Reefs 36: 1255-1261. PDF


Koenig, C.C. , L.S. Bueno, F.C. Coleman, J.A. Cusick, R.D. Ellis, K. Kingon, J.V. Locascio, C. Malinowski, D.J. Murie, and C.D. Stallings. 2017. The timing of spawning (diel, lunar, seasonal) in Atlantic Goliath Grouper, Epinephelus itajara (Lichtenstein 1822). Bulletin of Marine Science 93: 391-406. PDF


Curtis, J.S., K.R. Wall, M.A. Albins, and C.D. Stallings. 2017. Diet shifts in a native mesopredator across a range of invasive lionfish biomass. Marine Ecology Progress Series 573: 215-228PDF


Tzadik, O.E., J.S. Curtis, J.E. Granneman, B.N. Kurth, T.J. Pusack, A.A. Wallace, D.J. Hollander, E.B. Peebles, and C.D. Stallings. 2017. Chemical archives in fishes beyond otoliths: A review on the use of other body parts as chronological recorders of microchemical constituents for expanding interpretations of environmental, ecological, and life-history changes. Limnology and Oceanography Methods 15: 238-263. PDF


Herdter, E.S., D.P. Chambers, C.D. Stallings, and S.A. Murawski. 2017. Did the Deepwater Horizon oil spill affect growth of Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper? Fisheries Research 191: 60-68. PDF


Tzadik, O.E., E.B. Peebles, and C.D. Stallings. 2017. Life history studies via non-lethal sampling:  Using microchemical constituents of fin rays as chronological recorders. Journal of Fish Biology 90: 611-625. PDF


Stier, A.C., C.D. Stallings, J.F. Samhouri, M.A. Albins, and G.R. Almany. 2017. Biodiversity effects of the predation gauntlet. Coral Reefs 36: 601-606. PDF



Stallings, C.D., E.B. Peebles, O. Ayala, J.S. Curtis, and K.R. Wall. 2016. Lunar periodicity in spawning of White Grunt, Haemulon plumieri. Bulletin of Marine Science 92: 545-550. PDF


Ellis, R.D. and M.E. Faletti. 2016. Native Grouper Indirectly Ameliorates the Negative Effects of Invasive Lionfish. Marine Ecology Progress Series 558: 267-279 PDF


Chacin, D.H., T.S. Switzer, C.H. Ainsworth, and C.D. Stallings. 2016. Long-term retrospective analysis of spatio-temporal patterns in population dynamics and demography of juvenile Pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides). Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science 183: 52-61PDF


Simard, P., K.R. Wall , D.A. Mann, C.C. Wall, and C.D. Stallings. 2016. Boat visitation rates at artificial and natural reefs in the eastern Gulf of Mexico using acoustic recorders. PLoS One 11: e0160695. PDF


Jerabek, A.S., K.R. Wall, and C.D. Stallings. 2016. Low-copper antifouling paints as an alternative to frequent maintenance of experimental field apparatuses. PeerJ 4: e2213. PDF


Chacin, D.H. and C.D. Stallings. 2016. Disentangling fine- and broad-scale effects of habitat on predator-prey interactions. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 483: 10-19. PDF


Hall-Scharf, B.J., T.S. Switzer, and C.D. Stallings. 2016. Ontogenetic and long-term diet shifts of a predatory fish in an urban estuary undergoing dramatic changes in water quality and habitat dynamics. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145: 502-520. PDF



Stallings, C.D., A. Mickle, J.A. Nelson, M.G. McManus, and C.C. Koenig. 2015. Faunal communities and habitat characteristics of the Big Bend seagrass meadows, 2009-2010. Ecology 96: 304 (Ecological Archives E096-030). PDF


Guindon, K., C. Neidig, M. Tringali, S. Gray, T. King, C. Gardinal, and B. Kurth. 2015. An overview of the tarpon genetic recapture study in Florida – a citizen science success story. Environmental Biology of Fishes 98: 2239-2250. PDF


Chacin D.H., S. Giery, L. Yeager, C.A. Layman, and R.B. Langerhans. 2015. Does hydrological fragmentation affect coastal bird communities? A study from Abaco Island, The Bahamas. Wetlands Ecology and Management 23: 551-557. PDF


Johnson, D.W., M.R. Christie, C.D. Stallings, T.J. Pusack and M.A. Hixon. 2015.  Using post-settlement demography to estimate pre-settlement larval survivorship: a coral-reef fish example. Oecologia 179: 729-739. PDF


Koenig, C.C. and C.D. Stallings. 2015. A new compact rotating video system for rapid survey of marine fish populations. Bulletin of Marine Science 91: 365-373.  [Feature Article; as of April 2016, this is the 3rd most downloaded paper in the history of the journal’s website] PDF


Tzadik, O.E., E.A. Goddard, D.J. Hollander, C.C. Koenig, and C.D. Stallings. 2015. Non-lethal approach identifies variability of δ15N values in the fin rays of Atlantic Goliath Grouper, Epinephelus itajara. Peer J 3: e1010. PDF


Stallings, C.D., J.A. Nelson, K.L. Rozar, C.S. Adams, K.R. Wall, T.S. Switzer, B.L. Winner, and D.J. Hollander. 2015. Effects of preservation methods of muscle tissue from upper-trophic level reef fishes on stable isotope values (δ13C and δ15N). Peer-J 3: e874. PDF



Stallings, C.D., J.P. Brower, J.M. Heinlein Loch, and A. Mickle.  2014. Commercial trawling in seagrass beds: bycatch and long-term trends in effort of a major shrimp fishery. Marine Ecology Progress Series 513: 143-153. PDF


Lavrentyev, P.J., H.A. Vanderploeg, G. Franze, D.H. Chacin, and J.R. Liebig. 2014. Microzooplankton distribution, dynamics, and trophic interactions relative to phytoplankton and quagga mussels in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. Journal of Great Lakes
Research 401: 95-105. PDF


Pusack, T.J., M.R. Christie, D.W. Johnson, C.D. Stallings, and M.A. Hixon. 2014. Spatial and temporal patterns of larval dispersal in a coral-reef fish metapopulation: evidence of variable reproductive success. Molecular Ecology 23: 3396-3408. PDF


Stallings, C.D., J.P. Brower, J.M. Heinlein Loch, and A. Mickle. 2014. Catch comparison between otter and rollerframe trawls: implications for sampling in seagrass beds. Fisheries Research 155: 177-184. PDF


Hall-Scharf, B.J. and C.D. Stallings. 2014. Experimental test of preference by a generalist piscivore on morphologically- and behaviorally- different prey. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 460: 193-196PDF



Nelson, J.A., C.D. Stallings, W.M. Landing, and J. Chanton. 2013. Biomass transfer subsidizes nitrogen to offshore food webs.  Ecosystems 16: 1130-1138. PDF


Matechik, C.V., A. Mickle, and C.D. Stallings. 2013. Experimental test of two marking methods on survival, growth, and tag retention on young of year pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides).  Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 440: 49-53. PDF



Stallings, C.D. and A. Dingeldein. 2012. Intraspecific cooperation facilitates synergistic predation. Bulletin of Marine Science 88: 317-318 PDF


Hixon, M.A., T.W. Anderson, K.L. Buch, D.W. Johnson, J.B. McLeod, and C.D. Stallings. 2012. Recruitment, density dependence, and population regulation in marine fish: a large-scale, long-term field manipulation. Ecological Monographs 82: 467-489. PDF



Stallings, C.D., F.C. Coleman, C.C. Koenig, and D.A. Markiewicz. 2010. Energy allocation in juveniles of a warm-temperate reef fish. Environmental Biology of Fishes 88: 389-398. PDF


Stallings, C.D. 2010. Experimental test of preference by a predatory fish for prey at different densities.  Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 389: 1-5. PDF


Christie, M.R., D.W. Johnson, C.D. Stallings, and M.A. Hixon. 2010. Self recruitment and sweepstakes reproduction amid extensive gene flow in a coral-reef fish. Molecular Ecology 19: 1042-1057. PDF



Stallings, C.D. 2009. Fishery-independent data reveal negative effect of human population density on Caribbean predatory fish communities. PLoS One 4: e5333. PDF

Stallings, C.D. 2009. Predator identity and recruitment of coral-reef fishes: indirect effects of fishing. Marine Ecology Progress Series 383: 251-259. PDF



Stallings, C.D. 2008. Indirect effects of an exploited predator on recruitment of coral-reef fishes. Ecology 89: 2090-2095. PDF