Isoprime Dual Inlet Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer
-Multiply substituted isotopologue (clumped isotope) analysis of CO2
-High-precision dual inlet isotope analysis
-Automated small carbonate sample preparation
-Automated δD and δ18O analysis of water samples
Programmed Temperature Pyrolysis/Combustion System
-Ramped pyrolysis radiocarbon preparation
- Vacuum separations line with two 4-loop traps
Computer Controlled Micromill
-Micrometer scale precision, ideal for fluid inclusions and accretionary skeletons
-Video view and microscope view
-Transmitted and reflected light
Vario MicroCube Elemental Analyzer
-Carbon, nitrogen, sulfur abundance
- Isoprime He dilutor for isotope analysis
- Isotope ratios from continuous flow measurement in Isoprime ir-MS
We are excited to bring new techniques and facilities to the USF Paleolab!
For almost 20 years, USF’s Paleolab has provided the community with high quality scientific results. Below is a list of techniques and facilities that the Rosenheim group adds to this established unit.