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Success of this project truly relies on the integration of many different technologies. The first…
After an area is mapped and we have high resolution multibeam bathymetry and backscatter, a…
Our partners in this project inlcude FIO, the Florida Institute of Oceanography, and FWRI, the…
For our April 2019 cruise, the objectives were to re-image select areas of the Elbow,…
For our September 2018 cruise, the objectives were to collect towed video in the newly…
The objectives for this C-BASS cruise were to complete concurrent surveys in the Elbow with the FL…
The objectives for this cruise were to image several areas southwest of the Florida Middle…
The primary objectives for this cruise were to collect video imagery of previously mapped areas in…
The C-BASS was used to image new areas around Madison-Swanson and also further the effort…