“The Tampa Bay Surveillance Project combines the skills and knowledge of the region’s foremost recreational fishing captains and world class scientists from USF’s College of Marine Science and Eckerd College to evaluate pollution from a wide range of industrial, agricultural and personal care products.”
Steven Murawski, Principal Investigator
Trusted Collaborators
Our Management Technical Advisory Group (MTAG) is comprised of experts in water, environmental, wildlife and human health. The knowledge and perspectives from their respective disciplines and organizations will help guide our research to have the biggest impact on our local communities.
TBS News
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Study looks at how many 'forever chemicals' are found in fish and sediment in Tampa Bay - WUSF | Steve Newborn Read and Listen here
Quarter 2 – Sampling Updates
Quarter 2 Sampling Updates We are about a month into Quarter 2, and on August 1st, we caught our 300th fish - a 15" spotted seatrout [...]
Tampa Bay Surveillance: Quarter One Review
Tampa Bay Surveillance: Quarter One Review The first several months of the Tampa Bay Surveillance project have been extremely productive – allowing researchers to lay [...]
Quarter 1 Sampling – Nearly Complete
Quarter 1 Sampling - Nearly Complete With just a few fish left to catch, the TBS team are nearing the Quarter 1 finish [...]
Management Transition Advisory Group (MTAG) Kickoff Meeting
Management Transition Advisory Group (MTAG) Kickoff Meeting - May 14, 2024 Translating Science to Management Practice Our May 14th meeting took place at [...]
Field Sampling Updates – May ’24
Sampling Update - May 2024 We've been busy! The first season of field sampling is well underway. We began sampling for our [...]