Quarter 2 Sampling UpdatesQuarter 2 Sampling Updates
We are about a month into Quarter 2, and on August 1st, we caught our 300th fish – a 15″ spotted seatrout from the Mid Bay East section of Tampa Bay. It was a scorcher of a day and Tropical Storm Debby was brewing – later to hit the region on Monday, August 5th. We took a week to let the aftermath of the storm settle, and fishing will resume next week (August 12th) with updates soon to follow.

Data sheet from August 1, 2024 showing our 300th fish!
Below is a look at our catch locations during Quarter 2, as well as to-date (Quarter 1 and 2). Keep scrolling to see some photos from Quarter 2 (so far).

Tampa Bay Surveillance Catch Locations (July 8 through August 1)

Tampa Bay Surveillance Catch Locations (April 4 through August 1)