Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s, Florida Marine Research Institute established in St. Petersburg, Fl.
Oceanographic courses offered on USF’s Bayboro Campus
Dr. John C. Briggs joined the faculty (1964-1990), biological oceanographer.
Introduction to Oceanography course taught for first time.
Dr. Harold J. Humm appointed professor of Marine Science
Marine Science Institute founded on USF’s Bayboro Campus at the former US Maritime Base
Dr. Harold J. Humm joined the faculty (1967-1983), Biological Oceanographer
Dr. Harold J. Humm Founding Marine Science Institute Director (1967-1971)
Dr. Hugh H. DeWitt (1967-1970), Biological Oceanographer
Dr. Thomas L. Hopkins joined the faculty (1967-1999), biological oceanographer
Dr. Kendall L. Carder joined the faculty (1969-2007), Physical Oceanographer
Dr. Thomas E. Pyle joined the faculty (1969-1975), Geological Oceanographer
Dr. Ronald C Baird joined the faculty (1969-1978), Biological Oceanographer
24 graduate students enrolled
First National Science Foundation grant awarded to the Department of Marine Science
Florida Institute of Oceanography (FIO) established, with Dr. Robert E. Smith as Director
Nine marine science courses offered – more than any other marine station
National Science Foundation (NSF) grant awarded to study the factors involved in growing seaweed as a crop $32,400.
Dr. Tomas Hopkins research cruise to study the food chain in the Gulf of Mexico. The first set of midwater micronekton and zooplankton are taken from a standard station in the open Gulf. This food web has been studied for over 30 years, making it one of the most intensely studied food webs in the ocean.
Formation of the Department of Marine Science within the College of Natural Sciences
Dr. Harold J. Humm Department of Marine Science Chair (1971-1974)
Dr. Peter R. Betzer joined the faculty (1971-2007), Chemical Oceanographer
10 faculty members
45 graduate students enrolled
First contract from The Office of Naval Research is awarded to the Department of Marine Science
Dr. Norman J. Blake joined the faculty (1972-2007), Biological Oceanographer
Dr. Larry J. Doyle joined the faculty (1973-2003), Geological Oceanographer
Dr. Kent A. Fanning joined the faculty (1973-2013), Chemical Oceanographer
Dr. Frank T. Manheim joined the faculty (1974-1977), Chemical Oceanographer
Dr. Frank T. Manheim Department of Marine Science Chair (1974-1976)
Dr. John C. Briggs Department of Marine Science Chair (1976-1979)
Dr. John Steinmetz joined the faculty (1977-1982), Geological Oceanographer
Florida Board of Regents designates the Department of Marine Science as a “Center of Excellence”
Florida legislature allocates eight new faculty positions to the Department of Marine Science
Dr. William Sackett joined the faculty (1979-1996), Chemical Oceanographer
Dr. William Sackett Department of Marine Science Chair (1979-1983)
Dr. Albert C. Hine III joined the faculty (1979-2017), Geological Oceanographer
Dr. Gabriel A. Vargo joined the faculty (1979-2007), Biological Oceanographer
Dr. Edward (Ted) Van Vleet joined the faculty (1979-2012), Chemical Oceanographer
Dr. Daniel F. Belknap joined the faculty (1979-1982), Geological Oceanographer
Dr. Robert H. Byrne joined the faculty (1979-present), Chemical Oceanographer
Dr. Robert M. Garrels joined the faculty as the first St. Petersburg’s Progress Endowed Chair in Marine Science (1979-1988), Chemical Oceanographer
Dr. Giselher Gust joined the faculty (1979-1992), Physical Oceanographer
Dr. Kent A. Fanning Department of Marine Science Assistant Chair (1979-1980)
Dr. Joseph J. Torres joined the faculty (1980-2013), Biological Oceanographer
Dr. A. Dennis Kirwan joined the faculty (1981-1988), Physical Oceanographer
Dr. Edward (Ted) Van Vleet Graduate Student Coordinator for the Department of Marine Science (1981-2000)
Florida Board of Regents approves “stand alone” PhD program in marine science at USF
St. Petersburg Progress, Inc. endows a faculty chair in marine science
First fellowship for a marine science graduate student established by Nelson Poynter Fund in honor of John B. Lake, publisher of the St. Petersburg Times
Dr. John Paul joined the faculty (1982-present), Biological Oceanographer
Dr. Peter R. Betzer Department of Marine Science Chair (1983-2000)
Dr. Pamela Hallock Muller joined the faculty (1983-present), Geological Oceanographer
Dr. Robert H. Weisberg joined the faculty (1984-2022), Physical Oceanographer
Dr. John J. Walsh joined the faculty (1984-present), Biological Oceanographer
William Knight family provides Department of Marine Science with its first endowed fellowship for a marine science graduate student. Subsequently, the Knight family endows six more fellowships for graduate students.
Gulf Oceanographic Charitable Trust endows two fellowships for marine science graduate students and USF receives the first matching funds ($100,000) from Florida’s new major gifts program.
Dr. John S. Compton joined the faculty (1986-1996), Chemical Oceanographer
Dr. Raymond R. Wilson, Jr. joined the faculty (1987-1998), Biological Oceanographer
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) selects USF as the home for its new National Center for Coastal Geology and establishes a cooperative with USF.
City of St. Petersburg provides land and a new research facility for USGS (substantial laboratory renovations are financed by St. Petersburg’s business community).
Florida’s legislature provides six new marine science faculty positions
St. Petersburg Times endows Eminent Scholars Lecture Series
Dr. Boris Galperin joined the faculty (1989-present), Physical Oceanographer
Dr. Frank E. Muller-Karger joined the faculty (1989-present), Biological Oceanographer
Ocean Optics founded by Mike Morris, alumni of the Department of Marine Science
Dr. Mark E. Luther joined the faculty (1990-present), Physical Oceanographer
Dr. David F. Naar joined the faculty (1990-present), Geological Oceanographer
Ground-breaking for new joint research facility (140,000 square feet) to serve Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Department of Marine Science (USF).
First year for The Oceanography Camp Especially for Girls, a National Science Foundation Model Program for Women and Girls
Dr. Paula G. Coble Rhodes joined the faculty (1992-2014), Chemical Oceanographer
In conjunction with Pinellas County and the Tampa Bay Harbor Pilots Association, the Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System (PORTS) is funded and begins serving ocean science, commerce, and the public with physical data on Tampa Bay every six minutes around the clock.
First satellite ground data receiving station installed
Dr. Joan B. Rose joined the faculty (1994-2001), Biological Oceanographer
Dr. Sarah F. Tebbens joined the faculty (1994-2004), Geological Oceanographer
Knight Oceanographic Research Center (KRC) completed and occupied
Florida legislature provides five engineering positions to establish the Center for Ocean Technology (COT) within the Department of Marine Science.
Dr. Thomas L. Hopkins became Director of Center for Ocean Technology (1994-1999)
Dr. Kent A. Fanning Department of Marine Science Assistant Chair (1994-2000)
The CARIACO Ocean Time Series Program is established
Dr. Gary T. Mitchum joined the faculty (1996-present), Physical Oceanographer
First live satellite television broadcasts for Project Oceanography are transmitted to over 200 middle schools throughout the United States – funded by the Office of Naval Research
The Florida Legislature initiating funding for COMPS (Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction System), an ongoing program that, in combination with NOAA, monitors and models important physical processes on the West Florida Shelf for both scientific purposes and to provide guidance for commercial activities and for the management of ocean hazards by various state and local governmental agencies.
USGS dedicates a second research facility (Getting building) to accommodate their expanding coastal programs
Multi-agency (ONR, NOAA, NASA, EPA), multi-investigator study (ECOHAB) of Florida’s western coastal ocean begins
Dr. Benjamin P. Flower visiting professor (1997-1998), Geological Oceanographer
Dr. Peter A. Howd joined the faculty (1997-2002), Geological Oceanographer
Dr. Benjamin P. Flower joined the faculty (1998-2012), Geological Oceanographer
USF establishes a Science Journalism Center consisting of a partnership between the Department of Marine Science and the College of Mass Communications
Dr. Terrance M. Quinn joined the faculty (1999-2007), Geological Oceanographer
College of Marine Science created (July 1) Peter R. Betzer named Acting Dean (July 14)
Dr. Edward (Ted) Van Vleet Director of Academic Programs and Students Affairs for the College of Marine Science (2000-2012)
Dr. Kent A. Fanning College of Marine Science Associate Dean (2000-2008)
Participation of College Of Marine Science faculty, students, and staff in the Southern Ocean GLOBEC research effort begins
Florida Legislature provides eight permanent positions for engineers involved in Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) research initiative within Center for Ocean Technology (COT)
Dr. David J. Hollander joined the faculty (2000-2020), Chemical Oceanographer
Dr. Peter R. Betzer College of Marine Science Dean (2001-2008)
Dr. David A. Mann joined the faculty (2001-2013), Biological Oceanographer
Dr. Kendra L. Daly joined the faculty (2001-present), Biological Oceanographer
Dr. Frank E. Muller-Karger nominated and appointed to the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy by President G. W. Bush
Receive a three-year GK-12 Fellowship Award from National Science Foundation to foster the interaction between ocean scientists and public schools through fellowships to support Marine Science graduate students working and teaching in the schools (first year eight students awarded fellowships).
Dr. Luis Garcia-Rubio joined the faculty (2002-2011), Chemical Oceanographer
Dr. Albert C. Hine III College of Marine Science Associate Dean of Research (2002-2011)
Marine Science receives a Center for Ocean Science Education Excellence (COSEE) grant from National Science Foundation
Faculty reaches 30
Dr. Michael Howell joined the faculty (2003-2005), Geological Oceanographer
Dr. Ashanti J. Pyrtle joined the faculty (2003-2011), Chemical Oceanographer
Participation of College Of Marine Science faculty, staff, and students in the Collaborative Research: The Cariaco Basin Oceanographic Time Series Program (CARIACO) begins.
College of Marine Science becomes a member of Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education (CORE) and Joint Oceanographic Institutions (JOI)
College of Marine Science takes over management of city-owned Clam Bayou Environmental Center (Teresa Greely)
College of Marine Science receives $8.5M grant for advanced instrumentation from The Florida Technology, Research and Scholarship Board (HB 1237; Florida House of Representatives: 2006 Legislative Session).
SRI International established partnership with College of Marine Science
Dr. Mya Breitbart joined the faculty (2006-present), Biological Oceanographer
International Ocean Institute (IOI) established its first regional office in the United States with College of Marine Science and USF St. Petersburg, Dr. Chris D’Elia, Director
Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction System (COMPS) is 10 years old and embarks on its 50th research cruise (July)
Dr. William T. Hogarth joined the faculty as Interim Dean (2008-2010), Biological Oceanographer
Purchase of the R/V Weatherbird II
Dr. Don P. Chambers joined the faculty (2009-present), Physical Oceanographer
Dr. Chuanmin Hu joined the faculty (2009-present), Optical Oceanographer
Dr. Ernst B. Peebles joined the faculty (2009-present), Biological Oceanographer
Dr. Quingnong Xiao joined the faculty (2009-2011), Physical Oceanographer
Inauguration of the joint USF St. Petersburg - USF College of Marine Science and Technology building on the USF St. Petersburg campus
Marine Resource Assessment (MRA) Program established
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico, April 20
Dr. Jacqueline Eaby Dixon joined the faculty as Dean (2010-present), Geological Oceanographer
Dr. San-Ik Shin joined the faculty (2010-2015), Physical Oceanographer
Center for Integrated Modeling and Analysis of the Gulf Ecosystem (C-IMAGE) grant funded for $11 million over three years from the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Research Board to study the effects from the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill from 2010. Member Institutions: Eckerd College, University of West Florida, Florida Institute of Oceanography, Texas A&M University, Florida State University, University of Miami, Mote Marine Laboratory, North Carolina State University, University of California at Los Angeles, University of California at San Diego, Pennsylvania State University, Leibniz Institute, Hamburg University of Technology, NHL University of Applied Sciences, University of Calgary, and Wageningen University.
Dr. Cameron H. Ainsworth joined the faculty (2011-present), Biological Oceanographer
Dr. Steven A. Murawski joined the faculty as the St. Petersburg Downtown Partnership Peter R. Betzer Endowed Chair (2011-present), Biological Oceanographer
Dr. Amelia E. Shevenell joined the faculty (2011-present), Geological Oceanographer
Dr. Christopher D. Stallings joined the faculty (2011-present), Biological Oceanographer
Dr. David F. Naar Director of Academic Programs and Students Affairs for the College of Marine Science (2012-2017)
Dr. Gary T. Mitchum College of Marine Science Associate Dean (2012-present)
Dr. Eugen W. Domack joined the faculty (2013-2017), Geological Oceanographer
Dr. Brad E. Rosenheim joined the faculty (2013-present), Geological Oceanographer
Dr. Kristen N. Buck joined the faculty (2014-2022), Chemical Oceanographer, and transitioned to Associate Research Professor (2023-present)
The Center for Integrated Modeling and Analysis of Gulf Ecosystems (C-IMAGE-II) is a research consortium of 19 U.S. and international partners focused on effects of oil spills on marine environments. C-IMAGE-II was funded by the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) at $20.2 million for three years. The focus of C-IMAGE II is to advance understanding of the processes, mechanisms, and environmental consequences of marine oil blowouts. Recent events like Deepwater Horizon focused the scientific efforts of C-IMAGE I, but C-IMAGE II looks to gain insight by researching a parallel blowout incident that occurred in 1979 in the Bay of Campeche on the Ixtoc-1 platform. Member Institutions: Eckerd College, Florida Institute of Oceanography, Florida State University, Georgia Tech, Mote Marine Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Hamburg University of Technology, Mind Open Media, Texas A&M University, Harte Research Institute, University of Calgary, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, University of South Alabama, University of West Florida, University of Western Australia, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Wageningen University, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Dr. Xinfeng Liang joined the faculty (2016-2019), Physical Oceanographer
Dr. Brad Seibel joined the faculty (2016-present), Biological Oceanographer
Dr. Timothy M. Conway joined the faculty (2017-present), Chemical Oceanographer
Dr. David F. Naar, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for the College of Marine Science (2017-present)
CMS opens MECL lab (Marine Environmental Chemistry Lab)
Dr. Nancy Williams joined the faculty (2019-2022), Chemical Oceanographer
Dr. Alastair Graham joined the faculty (2019-present), Geological Oceanographer
Dr. Jackie Dixon steps down as Dean after 9+ years, rejoins faculty
USF consolidates its three campuses (July 2020)
Dr. Thomas Frazer hired as new Dean (Aug 2020)
USF and NOAA launch world-class cooperative ocean mapping center (Oct 2020)
Florida Flood Hub for Applied Research and Innovation established