Symbiosis in Corals--the role of zooxanthellae
- Rationale/Objectives/Purpose:
- To offer students a better understanding of symbiotic relationships, and the opportunity to learn about the conditions in which corals grow best.
- Time Required:
- 1 class period (40 to 50 minutes)
- Safety Issues:
- None
- Materials:
- 1 coloring sheet of zooxanthellae--front side and back
- crayons, markers or colored pencils
- books, articles, or internet access
- Procedures:
- Asks students to color the picture of the zooxanthellae
- research the role zooxanthellae play in coral reefs
- Students should answer the questions on the back of the coloring sheet using information they find in their research.
- Assessment:
- Check your students understanding by using these answers:
- Zooxanthellae have a mutually benficial relationship with corals. Their specific role is to provide food from light.
- Zooxanthellae produce carbohydrates and oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. The corals make use of both of them.
- Plantlike, because they have chloroplasts and a cell wall/Animal-like because they have mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cell.
- 68 to 82 degrees F or 20 to 28 degrees C
- Clean, clear water that allows light to penetrate
- Generally good because gentle waves bring in nutrients and oxygen to the area, and flush away any wastes.
- Extensions:
- Use this site as a source for research and discussion on how the demise of the Everglades affects the key barrier reefs
- Internet Links:
- Check out our links page.
- Background:
- Students should be familiar with the basic parts of a cell
- Key Words:
- mutualism, polyps, medusa