Hurricanes |
Costliest US Storm: Hurricane Andrew, August 22-27, 1992, $30 billion in
damage, energy equivalent to a hydrogen bomb: 145-mph winds, 17-foot storm
Deadliest in US: Galveston, July 1900, more than 6,000 deaths (mostly by
Strongest in US: Labor Day storm in Florida Keys, 1935, wind speeds to
165 mph
Largest in US: Hurricane Hugo, Charleston, S.C. in September, 1989, cost:
$8.5 billion
Saffir-Simpson Intensity Scale |
Pressure (mbar)
Winds (mph)
Storm Surge (feet)
Depression |
>35 |
Tropical Storm |
31 - 73 |
Hurricane |
minimal |
>28.94 |
74 - 95 |
4 - 5
Hurricane |
moderate |
28.50 - 28.91 |
96 - 110 |
6 - 8
Hurricane |
extensive |
27.91 - 28.47 |
111 - 130 |
9 - 12
Hurricane |
extreme |
27.17 - 27.88 |
131 - 155 |
13 - 18
Hurricane |
catastrophic |
<27.17 |
>155 |
Source: USA TODAY Weather Almanac |
Tornadoes |
In the past 34 years, there have been more than 22,800 tornadoes that
cut an average swath 0.3 mile long by 0.1 mile wide (=684 sq. mi. of devastation,
or about half the size of Rhode Island destroyed).
Florida has the highest annual average number of tornadoes per 10,000
square miles (8.4). Florida does not have the most destructive tornadoes,
however; most register F0 or F1 on the Fujita Tornado Intensity Scale.
(By comparison, the "tornado alley" states have between 3 and 7.5 tornadoes
but they are often more destructive). Florida's previous record of 97 tornadoes/year
in 1975 was broken in 1997 (115 tornadoes).
A "super outbreak" of 148 tornadoes on April 3 and 4, 1974 killed 316
people and caused $310 million in damages in 13 states.
"Tornado Alley" is an area of the central U.S. where low-level moisture
from the Gulf of Mexico runs under cooled, upper-level air from the Rocky
Mountains, which imparts a spin to the unstable, but energetic atmosphere. |
Fujita Tornado Intensity Scale |
F0 |
40 - 72 mph |
Some roof damage; knocks down shallow rooted trees, breaks branches
off bigger trees |
F1 |
73 - 112 mph |
Removes shingles from roofs; mobile homes moved from foundation or
are overturned; moving automobiles pushed off the road |
F2 |
113 - 157 mph |
Roofs torn off frame houses; mobile homes demolished; large trees snapped/uprooted |
F3 |
158 - 206 mph |
Roofs and walls torn off well-constructed buildings; trains overturned;
most trees in path uprooted |
F4 |
207 - 260 mph |
Well-constructed houses are destroyed; cars thrown; large debris becomes
dangerous |
F5 |
261 - 318 mph |
Strong frame houses lifted off foundations and carried considerable
distances; automobiles and other debris fly at high rates of speed |
F6 Deleted |
Lightning |
There are up to 10 million strikes per day in the earth's atmosphere (=100/sec!).
Of these, 90% are cloud-to-cloud flashes that never reach the ground.
The average stroke is incredibly powerful - up to 30 million volts at 100,000
amperes flowing in 1/10 of a second.
If you count the seconds between the flash and the thunder and divide by
five, that is how many miles the strike was from you.
Each year, over 1000 people are killed by lightning worldwide, about 200
in the U.S.
From 1940 - 1981, lightning killed more people (7,761) than tornadoes (5,268),
floods (4,481), or hurricanes (1,923).
On July 17, 1940, lightning started 335 fires in the western U.S.
"Lightning Alley" stretches across northern central Florida
In 1753, Ben Franklin first described how to protect houses with a Lightning
Jakarta, Indonesia is the lightning capital of the world.
Costs the United States over $1 billion in annual damages.
Is responsible for $2 billion in annual airline operating costs and passenger
Causes 30% of all electric outages which cost utilities about $100 million
a year.
Ignites half of all U.S. forest fires, resulting in $100 million of damage
each year.
Starts 26,000 house fires every year, costing about $147 million.
Generates 5% of all residential insurance claims, ~ $1 billion of loss
per year.
Is responsible for 61% of all accidents caused by natural events.
Floods |
The Mississippi River flood of 1993 destroyed 1500 homes and left 58 dead
after 23 days of rising water covering four states. The Missouri River
was 20 miles wide at peak flood and 5 feet higher than ever at St. Louis.
Three-fourths of all the levees failed.
In 1997, 43 major floods in 27 states flooded over 2000 square miles, killed
117 people, caused over 6 billion in damages, created 127,064 victims,
and displaced 49,424 families.
An average of 138 people/year are caught and killed in flash floods.
The deadliest US flood disaster occured in Johnstown, PA in 1889 when a
dam burst. A wall of water 150 feet high flooded for one hour downstream
until it reached the town; 2209 people died.
Worldwide between 1947 and 1967 more than 173,000 people died in floods.
Flooding accounts for almost one quarter of the weather-related deaths.
In the last ten years, floods have cost the U.S. $3.1 million billion annually
in damages.
Tsunami |
Walls of water up to 100 feet high, moving as fast as a jet, are caused
by underwater earthquakes, volcanoes and landslides.
The Chilean quake of 1960 destroyed Hilo, Hawaii and left 61 dead.
The Alaskan earthquake of 1964 spawned a tsunami up to 100 feet high along
the Alaskan coast that left 122 dead and caused $106 million in damages.
The Alaskan earthquake of 1946 destroyed downtown Hilo with a 25 foot high
wave, 96 people died.
Western Pacific islands (inc. Japan and New Guinea) have been hit by dozens
of Tsunamis this century).
Earthquakes |
The two scales used to measure earthquakes are the Richeter
and the Mercalli.
The Richter Scale describes the magnitudes (heights) of seismic waves measured
by a seismograph. This is a logarithmic scale; an earthquake of magnitude
4 is 10 times as powerful as a magnitude 3 quake. The biggest quake ever
recorded on this scale was the 8.9 Chilean quake of 1960.
The Mercalli Scale is used to compare modern quakes to those that occurred
before the seismograph was invented, and is essentially a measure of the
amount of damage the quake caused on a scale of 1 to 12 (in Roman numerals).
A Mercalli III quake rattles windows; a Mercalli XII quake causes total
Most Fatal Earthquakes |
Date |
Deaths |
Shansi, China |
1556 |
830,000 |
Calcutta, India |
1737 |
300,000 |
Tangshan, China |
1976 |
255,000 |
Aleppo, Syria |
1138 |
230,000 |
Damghan, Iran |
856 |
200,000 |
Gansu, China |
1920 |
200,000 |
Xining, China |
1927 |
200,000 |
Ardabil, Iran |
893 |
150,000 |
Kwanto, Japan |
1923 |
144,000 |
Messina, Italy |
1908 |
100,000 |
Recent devastating earthquakes
in the U.S. have killed: |
115 in Alaska in 1964
63 in San Francisco in 1989
25 in Oakland in 1991
61 in Northridge in 1994
Wildfires |
In 1998, 9 fires burned 1.7 million acres in Yellowstone National Park
(40% of the park).
In 1991, a firestorm in Oakland, CA caused 25 deaths and $2.5 billion in
In 1993, 323 buildings were destroyed in Malibu, CA leaving 3 dead.
In 1996, 6 million acres in the U.S. burned, 65,000 in Yosemite National
In 1998, 2300 wildfires burned 1/2 million acres and displaced 10,000 people
in Florida.
In April 1999, more than 130,000 acres and 50 homes were also destroyed
in Florida.
Predicting (from Wildland Fire Assessment System website
by USDA Forest Service) the Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI) and the Lower
Atmosphere Stability Index (LASI) are used by fire watchers to predict
fire potential by region.
The KBDI is a soil/duff drought index that ranges from 0 (no drought)
to 800 (extreme drought) and is based on a soil capacity of 8 inches of
water. Factors in the index are maximum daily temperature, daily precipitation,
antecedent precipitation, and annual precipitation.
0 - 200 |
Soil moisture and large class fuel moistures are high and
do not contribute much to fire intensity. Typical of spring dormant season
following winter precipitation. |
200 - 400 |
Typical of late spring, early growing season. Lower litter
and duff layers are drying and beginning to contribute to fire intensity. |
400 - 600 |
Typical of late summer, early fall. Lower litter and duff
layers actively contribute to fire intensity and will burn actively. |
600 - 800 |
Often associated with more severe drought with increased
wildfire occurrence. Intense, deep burning fires with significant downwind
spotting can be expected. Live fuels can also be expected to burn actively
at these levels. |
The Lower Atmosphere Stability Index, or Haines index, is computed from
the morning soundings from Radio Observation stations across North America.
The index is composed of a stability term and a moisture term. The stability
term is derived from the temperature difference at two atmosphere levels.
The moisture term is derived from the dew point depression at a single
atmosphere level. This index has been shown to be correlated with large
fire growth on new and existing fires where surface winds do not dominate
fire behavior.
The Haines Index ranges from 2 to 6 and indicates the potential for
large fire growth:
2: very low potential--(moist stable lower atmosphere)
3: very low potential
4: low potential
5: moderate potential
6: high potential--(dry unstable lower atmosphere)
Asteroids |
More than 500 asteroids have been found in orbits that
intersect the Earth's orbit. Only a handful of astronomers intermittently
monitor these Earth-crossing asteroids. It is estimated that there are
over 2000 such asteroids, and that football-sized objects (equivalent to
50 - 70 kilotons of TNT on impact) pass between the earth and the moon
about once a week, and house-sized objects (30 megaton yields on impact)
about once a month. The NORAD Ballistic Missile Defense System routinely
monitors about 25 high altitude detonations/year, or about one every two
weeks, as meteors burn up entering earth's atmosphere.
Theoretical Effects of Earth Impacting Asteroids
Asteroid Diameter |
Earth Impacts |
<200 yards |
1 -10/century
on land: multi-megaton blast in air, local damages
in ocean: causes small tsunami with minor flooding |
200 - 2000 yards |
1 every 10,000 million years
on land: crater 10 miles wide, worldwide crop losses
in ocean: major tsunami floods land up to 200 feet above sea level |
1 - 10 miles |
1 every 1 million to 100 million years
on land: crater 100 miles across, dust cloud causes nuclear winter
in ocean: giant tsunami, coastal nations around world wiped out. |
> 10 miles |
<1 every 100 million years
on land or sea: loss of most life forms due to long nuclear winter |
Name |
Date |
Closest to Earth(miles/km2) |
1994 XL1 |
Dec. 9, 1994 |
65,000 |
1993 KA2 |
May 20, 1993 |
93,000 |
1991 BA |
Jan 18, 1991 |
93,000 |
4581 Ascelpius |
Mar 1, 1989 |
372,000 |
Hermes |
Oct 30, 1937 |
558,000 |