Abby Madeiros

  • Southside Fundamental Middle School
  • St. Petersburg, FL
  • Teaches math and science for middle grades
  • Education: BA Anthropology 1982: University of South Florida; MEd. Science Education 1989: University of South Florida
  • Designed activites for Plankton Ocean Drifters/Red Tide and Coral Reef Ecology and Climate Change: Bleaching

Why MW: "A terrific opportunity to design articles for my class in Marine Science. I worked with the Oceanography Camp for Girls at USF last summer and fell in love with all the tools and techniques of marine science. Students need to know what careers are out there."

Misc.: "I want my students to understand the dynamics of the forces affecting their coastal community. Most students have participated in boating, beach activities and they understand what they see?"

Joseph Ventimiglia

  • Madeira Beach Middle School, Marine Environmental Theme School
  • Madeira Beach, FL
  • Teaches mathematics for grades 6-8; Technology coordinator
  • Education: BA: S.U.N.Y Stonybrook; MA: University of South Florida
  • Designed real-time data sites for Making Waves
Why Making Waves: "Great opportunity to further my understanding of the local marine environment and its connection to natural phenomena around the world."

Peggy Roote

  • Palm Harbor University High School
  • Palm Harbor, FL
  • Teaches AP Biology and Biology I
  • Education: BS Education: University of Toledo (Toledo, OH)
  • Designed activities for Plankton and Coral Reefs
Why MW: "Working with the University of South Florida is always exciting and fun. The graduate students' articles are great and it was a lot of fun coming up with activities to go along with them."

Diane E. Erwin

  • Southside Fundamental Middle School
  • St. Petersburg, FL
  • Teaches 8th grade Pre-Algebra, Honors Algebra I, Physical Science
  • Education: BA Secondary Math Education; MEd. Curriculum and Instruction
  • Designed activities for Beaches under assault and Oceans from Space
Why MW: "A chance to work with cutting-edge scientists and be inspired to continue touching young lives!"

Nancy Doolittle

  • Madeira Beach Middle School, Marine Environmental Theme School
  • Madeira Beach, FL
  • Teaches mathematics for grades 6-8
  • Education: BS Math Education

  • Designed activities for Beaches Under Assault and Natural Disasters
Why MW: "Working on a project with world wide educational value is very empowering and exciting. Marine Science is such a fun topic to teach and with the advent of the Internet, you don't even need to be near water to study it....just a computer!"

Johnetta Marie Jenkins

  • John Hopkins Middle School
  • St. Petersburg, FL
  • Teaches 6th grade Earth Science and 7th grade Life Science
  • Education: BA: University of Florida; Post-bacc.: University of South Florida
  • Designed activities for El Nino and Natural disasters
Why MW: "To lend to the celebration of the Year of the Oceans."

Brett Taylor

  • Madeira Beach Middle School, Marine Environmental Theme School
  • Madeira Beach, FL
  • Teaches Life Science for the 7th grade
  • Education: BA Elementary Education: University of South Florida
  • Designed activities for El Nino and Oceans from Space
Why MW: For the challenge.