PORTS Scavenger Hunt Log Sheet
Name: ________________________
Go to the PORTS
site. Travel through the site and search for the answers to the questions below.
Happy hunting!
- What does PORTS stand for? _________________________
- PORTS was developed by ___________________________ in cooperation with the
- How many many data collection stations are there? _________________________
- Which station collects data related to wave height? _________________________
- What does the Tampa Bay P.O.R.T.S. map use to indicate what is measured
at each station?
- What gauge is in the center of the photograph of the Port Manatee site?
- What is the latitude and longitude of the Egmont Channel station? _________________________
- What is zulu time? _________________________
- What is NOAA? _________________________
- What is the ID number of the data collection station that is located farthest
- Go to the St. Petersburg data collection station site and find the chart titled Water
Elevation above MLLW at St. Petersburg.
- What does MLLW mean? _________________________
- What does the red line represent? _________________________
- What does the green line represent? _________________________
- What is the latitude and longitude of the Anna Maria data collection site? _________________________
- What data are recorded at this site?
- 1. _________________________
- 2. _________________________
- 3. _________________________
- 4. _________________________
- 5. _________________________
- 6. _________________________