PORTS Scavenger Hunt Log Sheet

Name: ________________________


Go to the PORTS site. Travel through the site and search for the answers to the questions below. Happy hunting!

  1. What does PORTS stand for? _________________________

  2. PORTS was developed by ___________________________ in cooperation with the


  3. How many many data collection stations are there? _________________________

  4. Which station collects data related to wave height? _________________________

  5. What does the Tampa Bay P.O.R.T.S. map use to indicate what is measured at each station?


  6. What gauge is in the center of the photograph of the Port Manatee site? _________________________

  7. What is the latitude and longitude of the Egmont Channel station? _________________________

  8. What is zulu time? _________________________

  9. What is NOAA? _________________________

  10. What is the ID number of the data collection station that is located farthest north?


  11. Go to the St. Petersburg data collection station site and find the chart titled Water Elevation above MLLW at St. Petersburg.

    • What does MLLW mean? _________________________

    • What does the red line represent? _________________________

    • What does the green line represent? _________________________

  12. What is the latitude and longitude of the Anna Maria data collection site? _________________________

    • What data are recorded at this site?

      • 1. _________________________

      • 2. _________________________

      • 3. _________________________

      • 4. _________________________

      • 5. _________________________

      • 6. _________________________