Rubric for successfully completing this activity
Objective 1:      
My scavenger hunt sheet completed.      
Objective 2:      
First day of charts and graphs of meteorological data for Port Manatee along with the question and information sheet filled in for each day.      
Second day of charts and graphs of meteorological data for Port Manatee along with the question and information sheet filled in for each day.      
Third day of charts and graphs of meteorological data for Port Manatee along with the question and information sheet filled in for each day.      
Fourth day of charts and graphs of meteorological data for Port Manatee along with the question and information sheet filled in for each day.      
Fifth day of charts and graphs of meteorological data for Port Manatee along with the question and information sheet filled in for each day.      
Objective 3:      
Five copies of the Tampa Bay P.O.R.T.S. map with oil spill projections mapped out along with my simulation explained and supported by meteorological data from Objective 2.      
Question and information sheet completed.      
My oral presentation of my simulation explained and supported by at minimum the charts and graphs collected over five consecutive days.      

Grading Key:

A Evaluated by me. B. Evaluated by a classmate C. Evaluated by my teacher