
MarineCareers.Net - This site will introduce you to careers in marine biology and other marine sciences. You can also find information on salaries and links to additional resources.
Women in Oceanography - This site features the careers of remarkable women in oceanography. Learn how women are contributing to our understanding and appreciation of the ocean and how they go about their daily work.
UHM Career Links - This site is hosted by the Human Resources department of the University of Hawaii at Manoa and provides links for information on marine science and other technology careers.
VIMS Career Links - This site is hosted by the Virginia Institute of Marine Science at the College of William & Mary and provides general information on careers in marine science, as well as a list of additional ocean science career links.
SIO Career Links - This site is hosted by the Scripps Institute of Oceanography at the University of California in San Diego and provides information on careers in oceanography, marine science, and marine biology.
Stanford Career Links - This site is hosted by Stanford University and provides information on careers in marine biology and oceanography.
ASLO Career Links - This site is hosted by the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography and provides a variety of vital information about careers in the aquatic sciences.
NMML Marine Mammal Career Links - This site is hosted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Marine Mammal Laboratory and provides information about careers relating to marine mammals.
Sea World-Busch Gardens Career Links - This site provides information on careers in marine mammal science and at zoological parks, such as Sea World and Busch Gardens.
UCF Marine Mammal Career Links - This site answers a number of relevant questions about careers in marine mammal science and is hosted by the Society for Marine Mammology at the University of Central Florida.
The Dolphin Web-ring - This site is hosted by TURSIOPS.ORG and provides links to a number of personal and professional web pages devoted to the appreciation and preservation of dolphins.
Careers in the Geosciences - This site includes information on a variety of careers available in the geosciences and is hosted by the American Geological Institute.
Your OceanLink to Careers in Marine Science - Marine Science is a very broad field. Check out the references provided by OceanLink to find out more about becoming a marine scientist or a marine biologist.
NAS Career Planning Center - Hosted by the National Academy of Sciences, the CPC is the "one-stop shopping" location for job openings and the guidance and information needed to make decisions about education and career choices.
AZA Reference Center - This site, offered by the American Zoo and Aquarium Association, holds a wealth of information about our nation's zoos and aquaria, conservation education initiatives, and a variety of publications and training programs available.
UNH Marine Science Career Links - This site, hosted by the University of New Hampshire, invites visitors to travel through their career links and explore the realm of possibilities within the marine sciences.
Careers in Oceanography - Hosted by the University of Washington, this site offers a summary of marine science careers, as well as an overview of the educational requirements necessary to pursue a career in the field of oceanography.
ONR Careers in Oceanography - Learn more about careers in oceanography and other marine-related fields from this site, hosted by the United States Office of Naval Research.
AMS Career Guide - This Career Guide for the Atmospheric Sciences, offered by the American Meteorological Society, provides information on careers in the marine-related field of atmospheric science.
The Geoscientist Job Market - This site, hosted by the American Geophysical Union, provides valuable information on the prospects for future employment in the geosciences for new, young scientists.
WHOI Career Links - So how can you get a job in oceanography? Take a look at what this Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution website has to say about it...
Encyclopedia Smithsonian - This Smithsonian Institution site provides links to a variety of sources of information regarding careers in biology, conservation, and oceanography.
Internships - This site, hosted by the State University of New York at Stony Brook, provides information on a variety of summer courses and internships offered by several different institutions in the field of marine biology.