The Article

Sea Level Rise
Under Assault: Storms and Sea Level Rise
by Christina
Holland and Rich Young
Everyone thought Rosa and Clara were sisters. The
look-alike teenaged cousins were as close as close can come, and
they did everything together. Considering they grew up in Key
West, Florida, "everything" usually occurred on the beach. For
them, the word "beach" conjures up all sorts of vivid images:
towering sand castles, rainbow-colored beach balls, explorations
in busy tidal pools, funky-looking snail shells, and family volleyball
games. Their list is as endless as the grains of sand in front
of their side-by-side childhood homes.
About two years ago, Rosa and her parents left Key West to
manage a beachfront hotel in Biloxi, Mississippi. She and Clara
keep in touch on email. Rosa's always loved the beach of course,
but realizing that her family's livelihood now depended on it
made her want to know more about it - beyond the childhood memories.
Clara, who still lives with her family in Key West, always
admired the beach too. It's like a work of art, she'd say. She
still loves to watch every wave mold the beach like the hand
of a potter, and every season leave its signature on its dynamic
outline. And like Rosa, she too always wants to know more about
it. Through her classes at Key West Middle School and some on-line
surfing of her own, Clara's beginning to understand the science
behind this natural wonder, and naturally, she and Rosa talk
about the beach all the time.
Hurricane Georges recently paid Clara and Rosa a visit, and
the two learned more than they'd ever hoped about beach dynamics.
In a minute, you'll read their thoughts about the hurricane
in the email letters they sent back and forth after the storm
ran its course. Hurricane Georges hit Key West first, where
Clara lives. After sucking up lots of moisture over the Gulf
of Mexico, Georges eventually made his way up to Biloxi - Rosa's
new stomping grounds - which buffers the Gulf's northern edge.
Rosa and Clara are fictional characters, but their stories
echo those of coastal residents who have lived through Mother
Nature's mood swings, and who learn first-hand how dynamic the
life of a beach can be.
date: Saturday, September 26, 1998
from :
Hi Rosa, It's been kind of crazy around here! Hurricane
Georges hit yesterday morning. School was closed, so that
was pretty cool, and before I forget, mom says to tell you
guys that we're all safe here. No need to worry.
When Georges hit Puerto Rico, they kept saying on TV that
it was a category 4 storm. I didn't know what that meant,
so I looked at the National Hurricane Center's web page
( Category 4 is pretty bad (but
category 5 is the worst). The wind was blowing between 131
and 155 miles per hour, and they said storms that bad only
hit the eastern U.S. every 5 or 6 years - the last one in
south Florida was Andrew in 1992. Luckily, Georges was down
to a category 2 by the time he hit here (96-110 miles per
Do you remember Hurricane Andrew? You and me, our parents,
Grandma and Gramps - all crammed inside together for hours.
I was only seven then, so I was scared -a little anyway
:). And the power was out for weeks. But I guess people
here learned something from Andrew; everybody was much better
prepared for Georges.
As soon as things calm down, I bet my earth science class
will have a field trip to check out the beach damage from
Georges. That'll be fun. They said on the news that Georges
will hit the Gulf of Mexico coast tomorrow or Monday. Looks
like it's your turn now! Write and tell me what happens
in Mississippi.
date: Tuesday, September 29, 1998
to :
Hey Clara,
Wow, Georges came straight for us! Landfall was early yesterday
morning, and people throughout coastal Louisiana, Mississippi,
and Alabama are feeling the effects. Mom and Dad and I are
safe, although I think I drove Mom a little nuts while we
had to stay inside.
I don't know what we're going to do though. The hotel buildings
are badly damaged, and even worse, half the beach got washed
away in the storm surge!
Do you remember the Isles Dernieres barrier islands? We
picnicked there when you came up last summer. Well, the
islands are constantly eroding. I remember my teacher telling
us how, even before Andrew, erosion was so bad the islands
would be underwater by the year 2020. Then Andrew came and
swiped like two-thirds of the beach sand, so the islands
will be gone by the year 2000. I hate to think what Georges
has probably done. I guess we'll have to find a new picnic
spot! Love, Rosa
date: Tuesday, September 29, 1998
from :
Dear Rosa,
I'm glad you're safe, anyway. The dust is settling around
here. We've been hearing a lot in school about Georges'
less obvious effects. Like the corals. A bunch of the corals
in the Florida reefs broke right off. Some of them grow
less than an inch a year, so it will take several years
for them to recover. The SCUBA diving won't be the same,
and that'll hurt tourism and stuff.
On the other hand, a lot of the beaches got covered by
these thick weed mats. The people who live here on the beach
aren't too thrilled about that. But my science teacher says
those mats used to be all built up over the reefs, so at
least now it'll be easier for the corals in the water to
get the sunlight they need to grow.
How messed up is your beach now? Your dad always talks
about stuff to do to stop erosion - Did any of that help?
Wait, what exactly defines a beach? Click HERE for the
Click HERE for a diagram of a beach!
date: Wednesday, September 30, 1998
to :
Hi Clara,
Yeah, my Dad takes all those anti-erosion measures pretty
seriously. Erosion has always been a nightmare on this beach.
For a few months every year the waves hit the beach at an
angle. That starts up a longshore
current - if you put a beach ball in the water and let
it float, you can see it move down the beach. The current
moves sand down the beach, too, so Mom and Dad built groins
on our beach to trap the sand. After a few months of that,
the neighbors started calling to complain that our groins
made their erosion problems worse! Plus, when there's a
storm, the waves are higher and steeper than usual, and
they wash the sand offshore to make sandbars. But when it's
calmer, a lot (but not all) of that sand is brought back
by the gentler waves.
Besides the groins, Mom and Dad renourished the beach last
year. It was a lot of fun to see all those loads of sand
being brought in and put down. The stuff they do to stop
erosion works OK everyday, I guess. But it sure wasn't a
match for a hurricane like Georges!
Georges hovered over the Gulf of Mexico for a while after
he left the Keys, and he got stronger. When he hit here,
the wind speeds were 110 miles per hour - nearly a category
3 storm! In a hurricane like that, the winds are so strong
onshore that the waves come in much higher. They take sand
inland, and they even erode the dunes on the back of the
Yikes, I didn't realize the time. I've got to go; I'm baby-sitting
tonight. By the way, are you still going out with that guy
Jason? Just curious. :)
Click HERE to learn some ways humans try to prevent
or slow down the natural process of beach erosion.
date: Thursday, October 1, 1998
from :
Hey Rosa,
I never really dated Jason - he's kind of dweeby anyway.
But actually, I did meet a guy in an on-line chat room this
week. I was there checking out information on beach erosion
for my science project. His name is Tomas, and he lives
in Honolulu! Actually, he's interested in beach erosion
stuff too, because he lives near the water. He says the
sea level is rising there, and his family is losing land
(although pretty slowly, but still).
That made me wonder if the sea level is rising here, too.
I found out that it is. It's because the Earth is warming
- It's called the greenhouse effect.
Gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) build up in the atmosphere
from pollution, cutting down the rain forests, and other
stuff that humans do that use up energy. Anyway, those gases
are called greenhouse gases, and they act sort of like the
security guards at school. They let sunlight into the earth's
atmosphere, but they block the heat that tries to escape,
because it has longer wavelengths.
So the Earth warms up and some of the ice in the polar
icecaps and glaciers melts. Plus, the water in the ocean
actually takes up a little more room when it's heated. Both
of those things make sea level rise. It's pretty slow -
one or two millimeters per year on average. But a little
bit of sea level rise can cover a lot of beach. In the next
fifty years, beaches around the world will be between sixteen
and thirty-two feet further inland! This is pretty cool
stuff - I should have a great science project.
Sea level rises depending on where you are, though. Some
places farther north (or south, close to Antarctica) are
weighted down by glaciers so when the ice melts, the land
actually rises. But Honolulu is different. The Hawaiian
islands are volcanic - they formed when the crust of the
Pacific moved over a hotspot:
a big plume of molten magma from the mantle (say that 5
times fast!) way below the surface of the Earth. As the
islands move away from the hotspot, they cool down and sink
into the ocean, even if the Earth weren't getting warmer.
So the sea level rise in Honolulu is faster than most other
places in the U.S. It's kind of neat to think about how
the Earth will look 100 years from now, but kind of scary
P.S. You really should check out this web site -
The United States Geological Survey took pictures of the
beaches in the Caribbean, the Florida Keys and the northern
Gulf coast before and after hurricane Georges hit.
The differences are amazing!
As you can gather from Rosa and Clara's experiences,
the beaches are in a constant state of flux. Assaults on the beach
can be sudden and fast, as in a storm or hurricane. The changing
seasons also leave their signature on the beaches as they bring
different patterns of wind and rain. Every few years an El Nino
or La Nina event brings unexpected floods and droughts which also
affect beach shape.
Beaches also change on much longer time scales. During the
last ice age, for instance, the sea level was much lower than
it is today, so all of those beaches are now underwater. And
perhaps most importantly, we know that the agents of change
can be human. Building beachfront hotels, seawalls and groins,
while often attractive options in the short run, can dramatically
alter the natural shape of the shoreline in the long run.
All of these forces - and more - act on the beach at any
given time. The beach leads an incredibly dynamic life - just
like Rosa and Clara - and just like anyone else who leaves their
fleeting footprints on the sand.